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Aerospace Education

Aerospace Education is one of the three core missions of Civil Air Patrol. CAP is dedicated to promoting aerospace-related STEM education in our communities. Civil Air Patrol's dedication to aviation and resources put us in a unique position and give us a capability few other groups have such asorientation flights for cadet members, model rocketry, STEM-related project kits, military orientation rides, guest speakers from the aerospace industry, and more.

Orientation flights allow CAP Cadets the opportunity to have 5 flights in CAP aircraft, absolutely free. During these flights, Cadets are able to get hands-on experience flying an aircraft with a CAP Pilot.

The Model Rocketry Program give Cadets the chance to learn principles of rocketry and build their own model rockets to launch.

STEM projects are hands-on classroom kits which range from hydraulic engineering to programming.

Additionally, classroom aerospace topics are held monthly and range from aircraft fundamentals to satellite systems.

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